February Fitness Group SIGN-UPS are LIVE!
You asked to know when sign-ups were LIVE... so here is your heads-up! This fitness group contest begins on Monday, February 4th, which makes your deadline to sign up 9:00pm EST on Sunday, February 3rd. Click here or the image below to get all the deets & join us!
If you decide to participate in the contest portion, your pictures / measurements are important to me and they will always stay private. But it is NOT REQUIRED to participate in the contest -- unless you want a shot at receiving gift cards of course! :)
If you want to check out some Q+A about my fitness group contests, prizes, how live workouts work, meal plans, etc... please check this or this out.
If you have any questions, please get in touch! I am happy to answer any questions you throw my way.
Have a HAPPY SUNDAY & chat with ya soon!! Maggie