Workout of the Week: Treadmill + Chest & Back
Good morning, friends!! This weekend has been an incredible one for me... I got to hang out with 6 of the most important women in my life and celebrate my upcoming wedding with them! I am immensely grateful for the work they put into making my Bachelorette weekend SO STINKIN SPECIAL. We did everything you could possibly think of that would make time spent with friends perfect in every way.... starting with a Saturday morning workout at Orange Theory Fitness!!!

That's not the workout I'll be sharing today, but man-oh-man did we LOVE it (and leave there mega sweat-drenched). A huge thank you to my sister for planning everything this weekend... my mom for helping her & preparing everything at her condo for us to stay... and to every single one of my best friends for being here & creating memories I'll have for a lifetime.

And with that... your workout of the week! Intervals are my FAVORITE, so you'll get them often with me. They not only help you burn more calories throughout a workout (and after if you push hard enough!), but they also keep you from getting bored and your workouts from feeling monotonous. This week's intervals are done treadmill-style. If running isn't your thing, feel free to still create intervals by increasing the incline more than 10% and pushing your power walk speed in place of the 30 second hard walk.

NOTE about the chest & back strength training...
** Hold a lunge position in the Cable Lunge-Row. If you're using a rope with both arms at the same time, switch which leg is in front after 10 reps. If you're using 1 arm at a time with a handle, do all 20 reps with 1 leg in front, then switch.
** In the Push-up - Toe Taps, perform a push-up and while up in plant position, tap your opposite hands to your opposite toes (or knees) -- both sides -- before lowering back down into a push-up again. This adds some great challenge in your core!
Any other questions... I'm here!
Have a wonderful day!!! Maggiee